The Time Travelling Tea Tent is an Interactive Art Installation which has been disappointing the Crowned Heads of Europe since 1882 and again since 1793 (such is the nature of disappointment and time travel).. 

The crew of the tent demonstrate the intricacies of drinking tea and are accompanied by Professor Audlem Lane-Fox, the inventor of the Time Travelly machinery and the dashing Horatio Hamster, who powers the entire Time Travelly Mechanisms from his specially engineered Hamster Wheel.

You can investigate further by visiting the Social Media site which harbours further information by pressing the Tent image below:

Lady Barnes

The Founder of the Special Assault Seamstresses' (S.A.S.), an accomplished War Artist and the Principle of the "Barnes School of Art" has a particular interest in the history of bloomers.

Doctor Charles Davis
In charge of the Time Travelling Tea Tent, Dr. Davis controls which locations and time slots to which the Tent will travel.  He is a Connoisseur of Fine Hamsters and a Comforter of Ladies.